Objective To observe the effect of position of occlusal disturbance on condyle track during protrusive movement. 目的研究下颌前伸运动过程中,干扰发生部位对髁突运动轨迹的影响。
Measuring and displaying the occlusal movement trace based on Patriot 基于Patriot的咬合运动轨迹的测量与显示
The term of tooth wear ( TW) is used to describe the loss of hard tooth tissue caused by friction between tooth occlusal facing or tooth facing and food during masticatory movement and non-masticatory movement under no occurrence of dental caries and external injury. 牙齿磨耗是指在没有龋齿及外伤情况下,牙齿在咀嚼运动和非咀嚼运动过程中,由于牙面与牙面间摩擦、牙面与食物间摩擦,牙齿硬组织的丧失。
Conclusion: Such mechanical analysis results suggest that the angle of the occlusal force and long axis of body should be diminished to the limit, the prosthesis should be avoided from the contact with teeth under the protrusive movement. 结论:从力学角度提示:桩冠修复时应尽量减小牙合力与牙体长轴的角度,在下颌做前伸运动时对颌牙应避免与修复体早接触。
Conclusion The physiotherapy and occlusal reconstruction with fixed prosthesis were effective for improving the function and movement of mastication and deserve further clinical observation. 结论颌骨骨折错位愈合后的物理治疗和咬合重建治疗的方法对改善张口度、咀嚼功能恢复是有效的,这种治疗方法尚需长期、大量的临床观察。
The regulation of chewing cycle, centralization of end traces and occlusal slides of mandibular movement were significantly improved. 下颌运动的规则性和末端集中性均得到了明显改善,咀嚼运动中的牙合接触滑动不同程度的增加。
Methods: The implant prosthesis and the supporting bone models under the different cusped that were 30 degree, 20 degree and 0 degree occlusal, registered simulate mastication movement and the load needing and the meet an emergency. 方法:制作种植义齿及支持骨模型,冠修复体设计成0、20、30不同牙尖斜度。记录模拟咀嚼运动所需的载荷及所产生的应变。